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About MIKE

About Mike Scovel Rough and rowdy women and gracious, weather-worn gents of the West are just some of the characters one is likely to find in a Mike Scovel painting. No matter who the subject is, or what is going on, there is an element of spontaneity in each painting, as if Scovel has caught each subject by surprise.

These portraits, as well as serious landscapes and sculpture, have made his art known throughout the world. Early in his career, Scovel contacted artist Ace Reid, creator of the "Cowpokes" cartoon series, to discuss his future as an artist. "I asked Ace for some advice," Scovel said. "And he said something about good and bad news. The good news was that it was a tough racket, and the bad was 'don't try it.' " Undaunted, he worked as an illustrator for the Houston Chronicle for two years before deciding to paint full-time. Scovel's work has been extensively exhibited and his sculptures have won numerous first place awards, including the Gold Medal Award at the 1983 George Phippen Memorial Show.

A founding member of the Cowboy Cartoonists International, Scovel's work has won numerous awards including the first Trumble Family People's Choice Award at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame in 1993. Scovel and wife, Dusti, make their home along the shores of Beaver Lake in Northwestern Arkansas and can be reached through

Y-ME Ranch Enterprises,
120 County Road 423
Uvalde, Texas 78801

Email yme@hctc.net
Be sure to check out our website at http://www.mikescovel.com
