If you're interested in a particular game animal, location, or fishing concern, and you can't find what you're looking for under the menus below, leave us a message at Tell us what you want to go after and where. We can help! You MUST leave a name, mailing address and phone number for our outfitters to contact you and send their literature. Many of our guides and outfitters do not have e-mail.

For OUTFITTERS/GUIDES click on country you wish to hunt/fish.

U.S.A. * Canada * Africa *

Argentina * Australia * Chile * Croatia * Denmark
England * Hungary * Latvia * Mexico * New Caledonia
New Zealand * Norway * Papua New Guinea * Russia
Scotland * Sweden * Turkey * Uruguay

Booking Agents

"Your Online Hunting Show" This site offers the services of Hunting Outfitters and lodges, vendors of firearms, guns, handguns, shotguns, knives, taxidemists, decoys, wildlife art, wildlife artists, fishing outfits, ammunition, ammo, camouflage, cammo, sporting collectables, scopes, binoculars, tree stands, game feeders, bow, bowhunting equipment, hunting collectables, carvings and bronze creations.

It also offers engraving for trophy hunters, and a travel agent for the hunting outdoorsman. In addtion, we link the hunter to "The Weather Channel" so the he might pick the best weather for his hunting trip. We also provide hunting information, links to Fish and Game related Sites in other states, and recipes for the hunting Outdoorsman, topographical maps for hunting..

We have outfitters from U.S.A., outfitters from Africa, outfitter representation from Scotland and New Zealand. We also have outfitters from Russia and outfitters from Spain. Australia outfitters and Mexican outfitters are also represented. New Caledonia also has outfitter representation.

Thanks for Stopping By and GOOD HUNTING TO ALL!!