CAMEROON is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful African countries, owing to the
diversity of its climate and its geographical location, ranging from the great southern equatorial
forest to the vast northern desert. It is within itself a miniature reproduction of the entire African
CAMEROON stretches from the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, deep into the Gulf of Guinea up to
Lake Chad and represents the real junction-point between Western and Eastern Africa. Cross-road of the peoples and civilizations,
CAMEROON possesses a large range of tourist attractions.
One does not, visit CAMEROON, one discovers it. The traveler is offered contact with its
welcoming population and its nature still sheltered from all pollution.
CAMEROON is one of the most balanced and economically stable countries of Africa. Its
wealth comes from a culture of large diversity of more than 200 tribes. It has a surface area of
295,165 square miles and a population of ten million people.
CAMEROON possesses six national parks which are looked upon as being amongst the most
beautiful in the world owing to the abundance of the diverse animal species living there.
The Hunting Zone
The hunting zone is located in South Eastern CAMEROON,
over thousands of acres extending to the Congo and car
borders. Forest roads allow to penetrate deeply our
territory and track the famous BONGO, Forest Elephant,
Dwarf Buffalo, Western Sitatunga, Yellow Back Duiker,
Peters Duikers, Giant Forest Hog and Bush Pig.
The Hunt
You will be guided by a professional white hunter
and assisted by professional pygmy trackers.
Among the protected species, you will see a lot
of gorillas, chimpanzees and when lucky,
beautiful leopards.
You will hunt in a typical hot and humid equatorial
forest and cross from time to time into small open
savannahs. it is often here that the hunter has the
unobstructed view for a perfect shot.
Good physical condition is required when
hunting in the rain forest.
Also important, is to be familiar with your rifle as
immediate quick shots are necessary to bag
running trophy. Let your professional hunter
advise you when you spot big game.
The longer treks are made overland by jeep but,
the hunt itself takes place exclusively on foot.
Tracking begins after discovering fresh tracks.
The hunt is directed by well qualified French
professional hunters/guides aided by
experienced Cameroon trackers and carriers. The
trackers and carriers are capable of determining
the sex and size of the game being stalked by
the impressions of the track. Their efficiency and
stealthiness will allow you to bag the most
wonderful trophees.
The guides insure that your
hunt is a sporting one. The hunts are always
challenging, but your efforts will be rewarded by
the most unforgettable memories of your life.
Official research have been made to spot animal habits in each area. This helps to lead the safari in accordance to the Hunter's wishes and save time.
- 410,000 ACRES -
AREA N: 37 - 130,000 ACRES
Located east of Cameroon at Lokomo which is the river name where the hunting camp is built with super accommodations. In 2003 - 250 Kms of vehicle tracks will be open and 450Kms within 5 years.
Species hunted are: Bongo, Forest Elephant, Dwarf Buffalo, Sitatunga, Bush Pig, Giant
Forest Hog and all Duikers.
This virgin area was never hunted and never touched by the forest industries. Fauna density is then naturally normal. 20 inside savannahs have been equipped comfortably where you can spend a night or two. Hunting started in 2002
when a few records were collected:
- World Record and gold metal SCI of a Bates antilope
- Second World Record of a Black Back Duiker
- First Bongo hunted - 33 inches
- Third Bongo hunted - 29 inches
- Fourth Bongo hunted - 31 inches
- Results are available for 2003-2004
AREA N: 1 - 110,000 ACRES
Bordering the Lobeke National Park and having 300 Kms of vehicle tracks allowing to reach remote areas, this hunting zone offers numerous recordable trophies. O.N.G. studies have perfectly recorded density of species per forest areas.
This is very important to spot precisely the trophies coveted by the hunter.
AREA N: 3 - 170,000 ACRES
Partially worked by the wooden industry, this area was never conceded to the hunting company. Vehicle tracks will be improved from 2003 season and on.
Located and bordering the Lobeke National Park, it is also on Congo's border.
Based on O.N.G. studies, it is known how fauna is spread over.
THE CAMPS - AREA N: 37 - 130,000 ACRES
Two camps are built in the center of Area 37 in order to facilitate approach of different hunting sites.
- The main camp is just a paradise environment with gorgeous and large falls fed by
Cameroon rivers. This camp is, without a doubt, the most beautiful in western Africa.
Equipped with top luxury equipment, hunters and non-shooters will enjoy:
- 3 luxury suites with 2 beds, veranda and flowers
- 3 luxury bungalows with 2 beds, veranda and flowers
- Air condition - well operated
- Showers and all hygiene facilities
- Permanent hot water
- Satellite phone, e-mail and FAX
- Another camp same style is equipped with 6 double bed rooms
and also nice environments.
Modern camp is offering 6 studios with full
accommodations (shower, veranda, flowers).
AREA N: 3 - Near Kika
is equipped with a modern camp and also offers 6 studios as in
Area No:1
Import arms permit must be obtained from your local Cameroon Embassy;
- 2 I.D. photos
- Your original valid passport
- Local certificate allowing to hold your arms legally
Prices in EUROS were calculated on basis of the exchange rate which was valid on April 10th 2005. They may be modified
in accordance with the exchange rate fluctuation.
Group I
- Forest Elephant (Loxodonra Africana) U.S.$4,000 - 3,09252€
- Bongo (Tragelaphus Eury Cerod) U.S.$2,800 - 2,164.76€
- Dwarf Buffalo (Syncerus Caffer Nanus) U.S.$2,300 - 1,7782 €
- Giant Forest Hog (Hylocherus Meinertzhageni) U.S.$1,200 - 927.756 €
Group II and III
- Sitatunga (Tragelaphus Spekei Gratus) U.S.$1,500 - 1,159.69 €
- Yellow Back Duiker (Cephalophus Sylvicultor U.S.$1,200 - 27.756 €
- Bates Antilope (Neotragus Batesi) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Royal antelope (Neotragus Pygmaeus) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Bush Pig (Pota Mochoerus Porcus Pietus) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Civet (Vivera Civetta) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Genet (Genetta Tigrina) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Blue Duiker (Cephalophus Monticola) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Gaboon Duiker U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Peters Duiker (Cephalophus Callipygus) U.S.$5,000 - 3,865.65 €
- White Belly Duiker (Cephalophus Leucogaster) U.S.$150 - 115.969 €
- Black Fronted Duiker (Cephalophus Nigri Frons) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Red Flanked Duiker (Cephalophus Rufilatus) U.S.$150 - 115.969 €
- Bay Duiker (Cephalophus Dorsalia) U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Otter U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- Other Small U.S.$500 - 386.565 €
- These trophy fees are increased by 10% for villages communities U.S.$1,500 - 1,159.69 €
- Wounded animals are payable, the hunter can not benefit another shot
- The trophy fees and all expenses relating to are payable in the camp at the end of the safari
Outfitter's Prices
We can also prepare taylor-made Safari prices, contact us!!
Sitatunga Safari
- 7 Hunting days
- 4 trophies Group II and III
- 1 X 1
- U.S. $16,000 - 12,370.08 € per Hunter
- U.S. $2,500 - 1,932.82 € per non-shooter
Bongo Safari
- 14 Hunting days
- 2 Trophies Group I (except Elephant)
- 4 Trophies Group II and III
- 1 X 1
- U.S. $24,000 - 18,555.12 € per Hunter
- U.S. $4,500 - 3,479.08 € per non-shooter
Bongo - Elephant Safari
- 14 Hunting days
- 2 Trophies Group I (including Elephant)
- 4 Trophies Group II and III
- 1 X 1
- U.S. $29,000 - 22,420.77 € per Hunter
- U.S. $4,500 - 3,479.08 € per non-shooter
Big Safari
- 21 Hunting days
- 4 Trophies Group I (including Elephant)
- 8 Trophies Group II and III
- 1 X 1
- U.S. $36,000 - 27,832.68 € per Hunter
- U.S. $6,500 - 5,025.34 € per non-shooter
- U.S. $1,000 - 773.130 € for a second Hunting licence
Payment Conditions
- 50% when booking
- 50% 2 months before departure date
General Conditions
Our Prices Include:
- Welcome in Douala and Paris
- Lodging, full board and services at camp
- Hunting organization with qualified PH
- Toyota 4X4 specially made for Forest roads
- Trophy field preparation
Our Prices do not include:
- Hunting insurance and repatriation (obligatory) - See your agent
- International flight to and from Douala
- Private airplane to camp or road transport
- Visa cost at Cameroon Embassy - 4 photos, plus copy of your air-ticket and an invitation letter that we provide
- Big Game Hunting licence - Euros 915
- Arm import permit to be obtained from Cameroon Embassy
- 2 I.D. Photos
- 1 Medical certificate confirming your ability to go hunting in Cameroon
- 1 copy of your passport
- 1 copy of temporary arm import
Cost of Transport to Camps
We prepare the following transports from Douala to camps round trip
- Rent of a private plane round trip U.S. $12,000 ($6,000 x 2). Flight time 2H 30 one way
- Public air-transport with national air-line Camair up to Bertoua round trip.
U.S.$500 per person. Flight time one way one hour plus 9 hours driving trip to
camp in a luxury car Toyota Land Cruiser VX. U.S. $1200 x 2 (round trip)
Total U.S.$2400.
- Douala camp by road in luxury car Toyota Land Cruiser
VX. U.S.$1600 x 2 (round trip) Total U.S. $2800. 17 hours driving one way. Other prices can be offered depending on number of passengers traveling together.
NOTE: We suggest that you take a trip cancellation. 3W International will book your safari at outfitter's prices.
Liaison Office For Planning and Booking
Tel. 33.2.3509.6145
Fax 33.2.3590.2691
email us at:
Member of IPHA - SCI - PHASA
PH Georges Kabalan Moussa