Arctic Island Caribou and Greenland Muskox


Combinations that include Arctic Island Caribou,Central Barrenground Caribou, Muskox, Wolf, and Wolverine and by special arrangement can include Barrenground Grizzly.

These are all two week adventures with 1/1 guiding and use of fly out spike camps.


Until the battle with US F&W over trophy imports is settled, we have suspended booking polar bear hunters.

Keep in touch!

P.O. Box 1065
Chase B.C. V0E 1M0 - Canada
Phone: 250-679-3708
Fax: 250-679-3730



Big Game Hunting

Dear Hunting Friends:

We have just completed another successful season in the Arctic. Out of a total of 15 polar bear hunters, 13 killed great bears. All of our muskox hunters took trophy animals, the grizzly hunts were successful and out of 8 walrus hunters 7 took great trophies. After half a century in this business we still cannot control the weather!

We are now looking toward 2009 and although the majority of our hunts are already booked, we still have a few key openings and we wish to get a head start on the 2010 season. As you know, we run a limited number of high quality hunts so bookings are made well in advance. Besides that, if we have our trips sold in time it is sometimes possible to beat the ever-upward inflation. I don't have to tell you what the cost of flying and fuel is doing.

Inquire at our new marketing office. Our numbers are Tel (250)577-3708, Fax (250) 577-3740 . When phoning, please consider that we are on Pacific Time out here.

Hunting the Arctic is a step beyond the ordinary- Come with the people who live there when the hunts are going on and who have the equipment and experience to make your trip safe and successful. If you are ever broke down or in trouble a hundred miles from town, it might be comforting to know that on the other end of the radio call is someone ready to do something about it.

We hope to see you up north this coming season.


Fred Webb





Where can I hunt Trophy Muskox?

Out of Kugluktuk (Coppermine) our company hunts both Greenland and Barrenland species of Muskox.
Record Book entries by visiting Sports Hunters will show the following:


  • Boone & Crockett ... World Record, 4 out of top 5
  • Pope & Young ......... World Record and top 6 ever taken
  • Black Powder .......... World Record
  • SCI Barrenground .....World Record, 9 out of top ten

When Is the best time to hunt Muskox?

Our companies were the first to offer Muskox Sports hunting in modem times. With years of experience, and having tried it all, we have some definite recommendations. March and April, and October and November offer by far the best hunting opportunities.

Travel is easier and thus you have a much better chance of encountering a good number of animals .. again, look at the record books. Dry cold, when property prepared for, is easy to deal with. Cold weather assures superior trophy quality and easier trophy care. It is the law that all meat must be recovered for the use of needy local people ... cold weather makes it possible.

What is the best location?

Kugluktuk (Coppermine) is the closest, easiest, and cheapest of all the Arctic communities to reach, overnight from any point in North America. This is the only major Muskox hunting community which does not have a commercial slaughterhouse operation killing many hundreds to several thousand Muskox each year. It is one of the few communities from which both species of Muskox, plus two species of Caribou, Barrenground Grizzly, Polar Bear, and Arctic Wolf can be hunted.

Kugluktuk/Coppermine is the home and main base of Webb Outfitting Nunavut Ltd. The combination of expert local Inuit guides and management by the Webb Team assures the visitor of a safe, comfortable, and successful hunting adventure. This is the only hunting company in the Arctic which markets, manages, equips, and operates every hunt that is sold.

Why do your hunts cost more than the competition?

To begin with, if you look at what you are getting ... time and expense of travel, equipment and expertise
supplied .... then you will! realize that it is a bargain.

Beyond that... apparently the competition knows what their hunts are worth and values them accordingly!



 : :

"We are proud to work with our Inuit partners from the Kugluktuk area of the Central Arctic.
Our guides combine the ancient skills of their hunting culture with
good training and years of experience with our companies."