Arctic Island Caribou and Greenland Muskox
Combinations that include Arctic Island Caribou,Central Barrenground Caribou, Muskox, Wolf, and Wolverine and by special arrangement can include Barrenground Grizzly.
These are all two week adventures with 1/1 guiding and use of fly out spike camps.
Until the battle with US F&W over trophy imports is settled, we have suspended booking polar bear hunters.
Keep in touch!
P.O. Box 1065
Chase B.C. V0E 1M0 - Canada
Phone: 250-679-3708
Fax: 250-679-3730

Dear Hunting Friends:
Some of you have hunted with us over the past quarter century, and some we would enjoy meeting in the coming season. There have been some changes recently, but the high quality of our Arctic Hunts goes on, under the same name. The new owner is George Konanan, who many of you have enjoyed going out with, when he was our Chief Guide, either out of Kugluktuk or Gjoa Haven in central Arctic.
The second bit of “corporate news” is that we have made an arrangement with a top agency to take care of most of the marketing. Although Martin and I will still be involved as consultants, you can be confident in booking with Dan Frederick, phone 780-469-0579 or e.mail
Of course, you can always still call me here in B.C. at 250-679-3708, and, health permitting you will still me up north on in awhile.
George has recently finished up his spring Muskox hunt, once again 100% successful in taking good big trophy animals. Look at the first page of the SCI Book as pertains to Barrenground Muskox and you will see where to go. In addition, we will still be hunting the remainder of the Arctic animals you will need to complete your collection.
We have one hunt left for this year that is for Barrenground Grizzly, the last two weeks of August, $16,500. Hunting by boat, camping out, two guides with the one hunter, has been 100% most of the last ten years. Give us a call.
Hope to see you along the trail,
Fred |

From the Eastern Canadian Wilderness to the Arctic ice and tundra, four generations of the Webb family have guided a century's worth of visiting adventurers. They have hosted the internationally known trophy hunters, hunting award winners, the principal outdoor writers and thousands of great sportsmen from royalty to the guy next door.
In the record books of Boone and Crockett, Pope & Young and Safari Club International, you will see many entries for trophies collected by their clients in New Brunswick, Arctic Quebec, Newfoundland-Labrador and the Northwest Territories. Specifically in the category of Muskox they hold world records and the majority of top ten in four record books, a position never held before by any one outfitter.
As Outfitters, they personally operate most of the hunts listed. They are unique in being licenced to outfit hunts throughout the territory of Nunavut. They are specialists in Arctic Species hunting, maintaining camps and equipment, dog teams and company trained guides to provide safe and successful hunts.

Where can I hunt Trophy Muskox?
Out of Kugluktuk (Coppermine) our company hunts both Greenland and Barrenland species of Muskox Record Book entries by visiting Sports Hunters will show the following:
* Boone & Crockett . World Record, 4 out of tops
* Pope & Young World Record and top 6 ever taken
* Black Powder World Record
* SCI Barrenground .. - World Record, 9 out of top ten
When is the best time to hunt Muskox?
Our companies were the first to offer Muskox Sports hunting in modern times. With years of experience, and having tried it all, we have some definite recommendations. March and April and October and November offer by far the best hunting opportunities.
Travel is easier and Thus you have a much better chance of encountering a good number of animals - - - again, look at the record book. Dry cold, when properly prepared for, is easy to deal with. Cold weather assures superior trophy quality and easier trophy care. It is the law that all meat must be recovered for the use of needy local people. cold weather makes it possible.
What is the best location?
Kugluktuk (Coppermine) is the closest, easiest and cheapest of all the Arctic communities to reach, overnight from any point in North America. This is the only major Muskox hunting community which does not have a commercial slaughterhouse operation killing many hundreds to several thousand Muskox each year. It is one of the few communities from which born species of Muskox, plus two spades of Caribou, Barrenground Grizzly, Polar Bear, and Arctic Wolf can be hunted.
Kugluktuk (Coppermine) is the home and main base of Webb Outfitting Nunavut Ltd. The combination of expert local Inuit guides and management by the Webb Team assures the visitor of a safe, comfortable, and successful hunting adventure. This is the only hunting company in the Arctic which markets, manages, equips, and operates every hunt that is sold.
Why do your hunts cost more than the competition?
To begin with, if you look at what you are getting...time and expense of travel, equipment and expertise supplied. . . then you will realize that it is a bargain.
Beyond that...apparently the competition knows what their hunts are worth and values them accordingly !
Sincerely, Fred Webb
For three decades Outdoor Canada has been the leading
national authority on Canada's great outdoors.
Read OUTDOOR CANADA'S article on Fred Webb |
"Gruff, opinionated and unapologetic, Fred Webb has been guiding hunters in the Arctic for 17 years now, and he’s not about to leave any time soon. Even if it means doing business with those flippin’ treehuggers."
Be sure to read! THE LEGEND'S LAST STAND |