SCI Insurance - Hunter's Info. Service
SCI Insurance | Application | Inventory | Rating Policy

Total Inventory Value *Total Trophy Inventory Value Rate Premium Deductible
0 -100,000 _____________________________ .0053 ______________ $250.00
Over 1,000,000 _____________________________ Call for Quote ______________ $750.00

Rating Example:
Total Inventory Value 142,000
(Total values under each Limit of Liability you have circled to figure Total Inventory Value)
$142,000 x .0053 = $ 752.60
$250 Deductible
* Minimum premium $225.00 per policy, per year.

A) It is a condition of this policy that 80% of your trophies must be scheduled and insured.
B) To insure trophies in excess of the scheduled inventory values listed on this application, an individual appraisal must be secured.

C) Trip transit coverage is available upon request for an additional premium.

(Preferred print font for this document is Times New Roman - 12)