The value of any mounted specimen will vary greatly depending the quality of the taxidermy work and the condition of the skin. Also taken into consideration is the type of mount (head mount, life size, etc.,) rarity of the species, and how high it scores in the record books. Here is a copy of
my "Qualifications as an Appraiser." This is included, for your records, with every appraisal done by TCI. Also reproduced here is a sample of
one type of appraisal done by TCI. Our appraisals sometimes include color photos. It all depends on the type of appraisal requested, Insurance,
Fair Market Value, or Estate.
This page is best viewed with "Times New Roman" font - Font Style "Regular' - size "12", and printed with "Landscape" option.
(Note: On the actual page our letter head appears here at the top)
I started my taxidermy training, in 1958, through Northwest (correspondence) School of Taxidermy. During three different periods of employment, nearly 14 years, I worked for Jonas Brothers of Seattle, WA. which later became Klineburger Taxidermy. Most recently I worked for them as their Shop Manager and Customer Service Representative. My many duties included preparing trophy appraisals for
some of our clients.
I have worked in many states here in the USA and several countries overseas. My taxidermy
experience includes:
Europe: One year as taxidermist, technical advisor, and instructor on museum
mounts for Biologiske Preperater, (A/S Bio-Prep) the largest taxidermy firm in Norway.
Liberia W. Africa: During a one month stay, I taught some basic taxidermy
techniques to missionaries and their native workers.
Saudi Arabia: On two different trips, before and after Desert Storm, I worked
cleaning the mounts of a very prominent member of the Saudi Royal Family.
In the USA: I have worked in professional taxidermy on my own, and
occasionally for several - other taxidermists, (other than Klineburgers) from 1960 to the
Trophy Care International was officially started in 1992. We specialize in preparing Insurance,
Fair Market Value, and Estate Appraisals, as wll as the on-location cleaning, repair, and restoration of
mounted specimens for museums and private hunters.
I am a member of the following organizations:
Safari Club International -- Life Member |
North American Hunting Club |
Foundation for North American Big Game |
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation |
Foundation for North American Wild Sheep |
National Rifleman Association |
Based on over 35 years experience in taxidermy, I declare the appraised values listed for the
following item(s), in my opinion, to be fair, true, and accurate.
Mail to: PO Box 5747 Lynnwood, WA 98046 Ship to: 15715 44th Ave. W. Lynnwood, WA 98037, USA
Ourehia ourehia
Taken by: John Q. Hunter in Ouanda Djalle, Central African Republic in
Outfitter: All Hunters Guide Service |
Guide: "Mac" |
SCI Score: 16 4/8
Current SCI Ranking: #16 out of 44 entries
Awards: SCI Gold Medal Award
Position & type of Mount: Shoulder mounted looking straight ahead.
Taxidermy by: Every Man's Dream Taxidermy in Anytown, USA.
Comments: Exceptional horns and cape. Pelage is excellent and the taxidermy work is above average. This is truly an outstanding mount.
(Color Photo included here on some appraisals)

Service Available Worldwide
Trophy Care International
Mail & Ship To: 1217 8th St., Marysville, WA 98270
Phone/Fax: 360-653-7300 or Cell Phone: 206-353-8813
or contact us through our
Internet address
E-mail address
