Trophy Care International, (TCI) exists today solely to fill a gap in needed services to hunters and museums around the world. After more than 50 years experience in taxidermy, both here and in Europe, we have learned most taxidermists worth their salt actually hate to see anything brought in for cleaning and repair, let alone to be called out to clean and repair old mounts, even for their best clients! The reason? If the taxidermist is really first class he doesn't have time to clean old stuff and still get his current work out on schedule. Remember how long it took to get some of your best-mounted trophies back home? Trophy Care International provides the following three basic services to individual hunters and museums worldwide:
Touching up a World Record Class Bison head on-the-wall.
Our unique process Includes all of the following:
Touching up a Caribou head in a clients garage.TCI's Major Repair & Restoration Services: are for museums as well as Individual hunters. We have been involved in professionally repairing badly broken, almost totaled mounts, on-site worldwide, since 1964. We repair broken ears, cracked skin, crushed noses, you name it. We also build out horns, missing antler tips, as well as restore, or make new, a wide variety of missing parts. For example: When claws have been broken off and lost or stolen from a mount, which can sometimes happen with private trophy collections, and often does happen on open museum displays, in almost every case we can custom sculpt and install new ones right there, on location. The fees for extra repairs or restoration work are usually based on an hourly rate and are charged over and above our regular cleaning prices.
The dramatic difference our cleaning process makes - before and after!"Big Game Hunting, with a few exceptions, has become quite an expensive sport. Price tags often run to five, and possibly even six, figures on the more exotic or extended hunts. In many cases air fare and lodging charges are not included. All that expense, and taxidermy costs aren't even in the equation, yet!. Your choice: a rug, or shoulder mount? (They are less expensive, and do take up less space.) Or a life sized mount? More expensive yet, as such, far more valuable in the long run. (Furthermore, they are much easier to dispose of, in later years, if you find yourself moving into smaller quarters!) Think of it all. Travel, guides, license & trophy fees, and taxidermy expenses, all for the privilege of proudly displaying your irreplaceable trophies. Yet how do you take care of these priceless memories? For some unfathomable reason all too many hunters just don't seem to be too interested in proper trophy care after the hunt is over! I am constantly amazed to find us working on a room full of fine mounts, many having been mounted twenty, thirty, some forty, even fifty years ago, or more, and this is the first time a taxidermist has even touched any of them since they were mounted! This is all too true, all too often. It should not, and it does not, have to be that way any longer. Most of us like to go first-cabin. We want the best. The finest we can afford. When it comes to big game hunting, be it on a guided hunt for a single North American species or on a full African safari, we still want the best. Premium airline rates, prime accommodations, the #1 guide out of all those offered by the outfitter, the most productive hunting area available, and only the finest, highest scoring animal taken by anyone else in our group. When it comes time to preserve those precious memories we want the most reputable taxidermy studio to handle our work and insist on having their top taxidermist do the actual mounting. How do you keep these treasures in top shape now that you have them? All too often trophy room maintenance falls on the shoulders of the weekly cleaning lady who dusts off the mounts maybe three or four times a year. One who can't tell a solid-haired Black Bear from a hollow-haired Dall Sheep, or a Dik-dik from a Giant Eland. Maybe she is even one of those who secretly, "hates even being around the poor things!" After spending so much time and money hiring professionals to book your hunt, professionals to guide you, and professionals to preserve your priceless trophies, should you trust anyone other than a professional to clean them for you? I should think paying a mere fraction of what it cost to acquire them in order to keep them looking fresh and clean, the way they deserve to look at all times, would be of utmost importance to any hunter. You can contact a professional about maintaining your valued mounts today, if you so desire. We are as close as your key-board, fax, or telephone!
Phone/Fax: 360-653-7300 or Cell Phone: 206-353-8813
or contact us through our