Arctic Island Caribou and Greenland Muskox


Combinations that include Arctic Island Caribou,Central Barrenground Caribou, Muskox, Wolf, and Wolverine and by special arrangement can include Barrenground Grizzly.

These are all two week adventures with 1/1 guiding and use of fly out spike camps.


Until the battle with US F&W over trophy imports is settled, we have suspended booking polar bear hunters.

Keep in touch!

P.O. Box 1065
Chase B.C. V0E 1M0 - Canada
Phone: 250-679-3708
Fax: 250-679-3730



 The Arctic Islands Caribou is one of the six species of Caribou listed by the Safari Club International, Record Book. This cross between the Peary's and the Barrenground Caribou is not only the most restricted but also one of the most difficult to collect. Success to date has been virtually 100% on-both Caribou and Muskox!

Originating out of our home base of Kugluktuk, hunts are conducted at two locations on Victoria Island. The area is remote from any community, the closest being 150 miles across the ocean. Accommodation is tent camp, hunting is by snow machine or All Terrain Vehicle depending upon the season.

A Twin Otter aircraft, required for this type of flying, is brought up from Yellowknife and the two pilots reside in our home in Kugluktuk. This makes it possible for safe and efficient operation during one of the most difficult times of the year.


  • Hunts take place, during autumn (October and November) when Caribou and Muskox are in fine shape
  • Departs from Kugluktuk Nunavut
  • Includes; Meeting at airport, flying across the ocean to Victoria Island,
    tent camp accommodation and meals, guided 1x1 by experienced Inuit guides.
  • For PRICING please see Hunting Rates/Conditions

EXTRA: GST, Licenses, export fees to government, travel and hotels en route, extra, baggage or trophy shipment.

Finest hunts for these species! Managed by the people with Expertise and Experience to run Top Quality, Safe and Successful Arctic Expeditions of this nature.

Tags for this Caribou species are extremely limited. Get on the waiting list now!
"It will not get warmer, easier or cheaper and none of us is getting any younger!"