Hunter's Information Service links you to worldwide services of big and small game hunting outfitters and
guides. It also offers information about services of vendors of hunting related items.
Artwork by Michael Budden "Ridge Riders - Arctic Wolves"

Hunting /Fishing
Outfitters & Guides
Need an Outfitter?
Let us help you
find the right one!
FISHING Outfitters
Hunter's Information Service - About Us
Bluenose Herd, Barrenground Caribou, brand new venture in area rarely ever hunted for trophy caribou.
Spike camp adventure for the more active hunter tired of motel style caribou hunts.

For three decades Outdoor Canada has been the leading
national authority on Canada's great outdoors.
Read OUTDOOR CANADA'S article on Fred Webb
"Gruff, opinionated and unapologetic, Fred Webb has been guiding hunters in the Arctic for 17 years now, and he’s not about
to leave any time soon. Even if it means doing business with those flippin’ treehuggers."
Be sure to read! THE LEGEND'S LAST STAND
** Crocodile Mick, Papua New Guinea **
Crocodile Mick's Web site - www.crocodilemick.comm
Crocodile Hunter, Taxidermist and Producer of Crocodile Products, Specializing in Crocodile
Capture no job too small or big. Specialist in Value adding of the Animal Mick is available for
Consultancy, Training
on Taxidermy, Tanning, Processing and Producing Quality Products.
3W INTERNATIONAL, Dampierre-En-Bray, France
Hunting, Central African Republic (CAR),
South Africa, Namibia, Argentina, North America and the Pacific.
Bongo, Elephant, Dwarf Buffalo (Buffle nanus), Western Sitatunga (Sitatunga), Giant Forest Hog (Hylochère),
Bush Pig (Potamochère), Yellow Back Duiker (Céphalophe à dos jaune),
Blue Duiker (Céphalophe bleu), Black Back Duiker (Céphalophe à bande
dorsale noire), Peters Duiker (Céphalophe de Peters), Ogilby Duiker (Céphalophe d'Ogilby),
Gabon Duiker, Monkeys, Birds, Bates Antelope, Civet Cat, Black Fronted
Duiker, etc.
Big Game Hunting at its BEST!!
Trophy Axis Deer, Catalina Goat, Merino Sheep, Corsican Sheep, Texas Dall , Hawaiian Black Sheep,
Mouflon Sheep,
Fallow Deer, Sitka Deer, Red Deer, Scimitar Horn Oryx, Water Buffalo, Eland, Nilgai Antelope, Black Buck
Antelope, Elk,
Trophy Boar, White tail Deer, Oceola Turkey
Home of the Largest Axis Herd in the U.S. |

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Hunting Bookstore
Here are a few Favorite Hunting Books that we have to offer. Click on Hunting Bookstore - to see the whole store.
*** Also for your
Reading Pleasure from Master Story Teller - FRED
WEBB ***
Hardcover - Safari Press
African Game Trails
(Capstick Adventure Library) ~ Theodore Roosevelt Hardcover / Published 1988
Greatest Game Bird : Archibald Rutledge's Turkey Tales
Archibald Rutledge - Hardcover / Published 1994
Neotropical Wilife Use and Conservation
~ Ships in 2-3 days John G. Robinson, Kent H.
Redford (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1991
No Hunting (Kaleidoscope : A Collection of Stories 178-7)
Sara Hoskinson Frommer / Paperback / Published 1989
The Official Snipe Field Guide
~ Ships in 2-3 days Bruce Goodmansen / Paperback / Published 1997
The Orvis Wing-Shooting Handbook : Proven Techniques for Better Shotgunning
~ Usually ships in 24 hours Bruce Bowlen / Paperback / Published 1986
Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter
~ Ships in 2-3 days Theodore Roosevelt / Paperback / Published 1991
Outdoor Yarns and Outright Lies : 50 or So Stories by Two Good Sports
~ Ships in 2-3 days Gene Hill, Steve Smith / Hardcover / Published 1983
Outdoors Alaska Directory
~ Usually ships in 24 hours David M. Johnson / Paperback / Published 1997
Outdoors in Arizona
~ Usually ships in 24 hours Bob Hirsch / Paperback / Published 1988
Painting Duck Decoys : 24 Full-Color Plates and Complete Instructions
Anthony Hillman / Paperback / Published 1985
161 Waterfowling
Secrets : Time-Honored, Field-Tested Waterfowling Tips and Advice from Ducks Unlimited Members
~ Usually ships in 24 hours Ducks Unlimited Magazine Staff (Editor), et al / Paperback / Published 1995
Advanced Bow Guide
~ Ships in 2-3 days Roger Maynard / Paperback / Published 1984
Afield With J. Frank Dobie : Tales of Critters, Campfires, and the Trails
~ Ships in 2-3 days J. Frank Dobie / Paperback / Published 1994
The African Adventurers : A Return to the Silent Places
~ Usually ships in 24 hours Peter Hathaway Capstick / Hardcover / Published 1992
Hunting Bookstore -
Those are just a few of the Hunting Books that
we have to offer.
Click on Hunting Bookstore - to
see the whole store.
Game Recipes
Artwork by Mike Scovel

Hunter's Information Service - Hunting - Sales Division
We are proud members and supporters of:
Safari Club International
Boone and Crockett Club
National Wild Turkey Federation
National Rifle Association
Ducks Unlimited
Foundation of North American Wild Sheep
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Pheasants Forever
"Your Online Hunting Show"! This site is dedicated to the hunting outdoorsman. Hunter's Information Service - Hunting - offers the
services of hunting outfitters and numerous hunting related vendors.
We have many requests for information on taxidermists and taxidermy schools, therefore, we are
expanding our taxidermy section. Wildlife art is a big hit with our visitors. Numerous artists
present their fine wildlife artwork and a wide range of wildlife art presentations.
Our firearms section includes a submenu for manufacturers of ammunition and guns such as
handguns, rifles, and shotguns. This section also holds sights, aiming devices, and scopes to
make your shot true. Our clothing sections include various camouflage manufacturers and cold
weather gear outfitters. The menu for sporting collectibles offers items made from rattlesnake
skins and antique calls.
Another must is binoculars for the hunter to see better from his new tree stand. Our menus
include manufacturers of game feeders. Under hunting collectibles, we include fine carvings,
bronze creations, and engravings to remember that great hunt.
In addition, we link to "The Weather Channel" for our hunter to select the best weather for his hunting trip. We also provide hunting
information and links to United States Fish and Game related sites. Our recipe section provides
the hunter with a variety of game recipes for his feast after the hunt.
New additions to our site include cold weather gear for the hunter, software for hunting and gun
enthusiasts, and Safari Club International Endorsed Trophy Insurance.
Our goal is to offer everything the hunter needs for his hunting ventures. If you think of
anything you need, anything we should include on this site to make your hunting more enjoyable
and successful, let us know. We appreciate your patronage and are happy to serve you.
Thanks for Stopping By and GOOD HUNTING TO ALL!! Sam Ford